Nachfolgend der Call for Papers für die ALMS Konferenz 2019 in Berlin. Die ALMS – Archives, Libraries, Museums and Special Collections – lädt internationale LGTBIQ+ Organisationen vom 27. bis 29. Juni 2019 zum Gedankenaustausch nach Berlin ins Haus der Kulturen der Welt – einen Ort mit historischer Bedeutung: An diesem Ort stand das Haus, in dem Magnus Hirschfeld 1919 das weltweit erste Institut für Sexualwissenschaft gründete, das 1933 von den Nationalsozialisten zerstört wurde.
Die Konferenz steht unter dem Motto:
Queering Memory: Archives — Arts — Publicities
Archives, Libraries, Museums and Special Collections: An International LGBTIQ+ Conference
Call for Papers — Deadline: 15 January 2019
What does “queering memory” mean under the political, social and cultural conditions of the present? How can the diversity of queer histories be made visible in these digitized times?
ALMS 2019 Berlin will explore the potential for generating publicities for queer archives, libraries, museums and special collections, with a special focus on the arts and artistic interventions. We use the word “queer” to include both same-sex or bi-sexuality and histories of trans identity and gender diversity.
ALMS 2019 invites people from all over the world working in queer archives, libraries, special collections and museums, researching the queer past or generally interested in queer history.
Archivists, librarians, museum staff and custodians of special collections from public, private, academic and grassroots institutions or organizations are all highly welcome. Artists and scholars working on any aspect of the queer past, in any region of the world, are encouraged to apply.Main Topics & Key Issues:
1. Queering Memory and Rewriting History
2. Collecting Queer Art and Artistic Perspectives on Queer History
3. Archives and Libraries as Armories against Homo- and Transphobia
4. Collecting, Connecting & Documenting in the Digital Age
5. Queering Public History and Education in Museums
Themes, streams and panels could include (but are not limited to):
• Exploring and diversifying collections through intersectional and postcolonial perspectives
• Adding LGBTIQ+ history or queering memory: how to employ these different strategies?
• Narratives, desiderata and avoiding marginalization — best practices for Collections and exhibitions
• Libraries as archives of literary canons in past and present
• Global history, national histories, local stories & events — potentials of transnational collections
• Including queer migrants into queer museums and educational projects
• Potentials of queer art in archives and museums
• Queering mainstream museums: exploring and visualizing queer art in public Collections and Museums
• Exploring queer archives for contributions of artists and empowering artworks to the history of the LGBTIQ+ emancipation movement
• Artistic interventions using archival materials
• Presentation of queer art collections
• Embarrassed, excited or amused? How to exhibit erotic arts and queer artefacts?
• Secret collections: dealing with pornographic deliverances
• Collector’s items — the role of art, junk and stuff in collections for queer history and everyday culture
• Archives as arsenals of past protest and current publicity and activist strategies
• Staying in touch: archives and activism
• Potentials of (trans-)national networks and solidarity between LGBTIQ+ archives, libraries and museums
• International pilot projects for digitizing and networking queer history and culture
• Collecting and preserving digital artefacts — best practice collecting for websites, emails, digital documents & pictures
• Archiving and using queer oral histories between high standards and everyday pragmatism
• Digitalizing, data protection and copyright laws — the specificities and limits of international networking und publication
• Collecting separately and exhibiting cooperatively — telling queer history on the basis of separate LGBTIQ+ archives and collections
• Going public & learning online — best practice projects for education websites, tour guides, online exhibitions, etc.
• Collecting tears & encouragements — ways of remembering persecution by telling stories of oppression and cruelty, protest and mancipation, love and passion
• Bringing queer history to the schools
• Bringing young people into queer ALMS
There will also be panels dedicated to showcasing new and already established archives, libraries, museums & special collections. In addition, there will be opportunities to have information stands and/or poster presentations for your organization.
Papers should be limited to 15—20 minutes in length. Paper proposals should consist of a single Word document including:
– Title of paper
– Name of presenter (and institutional affiliation, if applicable)
– Paper abstract (300 words max.)
– A short biographical statement with contact information
All proposals should be submitted by January 15, 2019 to
The ALMS 2019 program committee will make decisions and send notifications to all applicants in February 2019.